Body Alignment

Crooked Joints Cause Pain

A Cupboard

A crooked hinge on a cupboard,

Makes its door harder to open,

Makes it creak,

Eventually the hinge wears out.


This bookcase is not strong. 

If it had feelings it would ache.

Sideways Bodies

People are the same. 

A straight body feels strong.

A crooked body eventually hurts.

Exercise Movements

PainSweep exercise movements train your muscles how to hold your body straight.

Car Alignment

Cars need re-alignment after many miles.

Body Alignment

Bodies need re-alignment after use and time.


In these pictures the RED LINE should go through the middle of me. IT DOES NOT. This is because my body is twisted. 

I feel like I am straight, but I do have some shoulder pain.


These pictures are after doing my alignment exercises.

 My body is straighter and my pain is gone.

In my experience, this is a normal outcome from posture exercises. I am not unusual.

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