About Us

Hi, I'm Renee

I am a Postural Alignment Specialist certified in The Egoscue Method of postural alignment therapy.

I learned about posture exercise therapy from a book that an email ad recommended to me.

I was looking for help for my husband Brad, but what I found has also made a huge change in my life. 

In Junior High, I began having excruciating back spasms, and they only got better after my doctor prescribed a lift for my left shoe. He told me that my left leg was shorter than my right. For 35 years I wore the lift. Whenever I went without it the spasms returned.
After reading about posture exercise therapy for my husband, I decided to do the exercises too. The book said that people are usually symmetrical, but receive diagnosis like mine due to body misalignment. Within months I could feel my hips changing. Today I can go barefoot or wear flip-flops. I no longer wear a lift and I have no back pain.*

Me and my husband Brad

Pain Problems

My husband Brad works at a computer all day. 

He had back pain, leg pain, foot pain, and shoulder pain. He used:

  • chiropractors
  •  physical therapists 
  • message therapists
  • yoga and tai chi 
  • pilates 

He was constantly working on his body, but he was still often in pain.

We both read the book and did the therapy. We hired an online Egoscue therapist to help us. We loved it so much that I quit my nursing job to learn to be a therapist too.

Workouts to do Daily

Nowadays we do our workouts together in the mornings. It takes 20-30 minutes. When we skip for more than a day or two, our bodies can start to ache. It's part of our self care routine and it feels good. 

Doing our posture exercises consistently keeps us feeling our best. Neither of us would want to be without them. We love sharing what we have learned with others who have pain and seeing them find relief. 

Prior to beginning any fitness regime, please consult a physician. Although PainSweep makes no guarantees, many clients experience a noticeable decrease in pain. Although PainSweep may improve some musculoskeletal problems that are addressed through surgery, other conditions may require surgery. If you need surgery, please seek medical advice.

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